1. Donate here towards assisting an adopting family financially through an adoption grant. Donations are processed and 100% tax-deductible receipts are issued through our partner, ABBA CANADA. All of our administrative financial and time costs are being covered by our ministry partners, so 100% of your donation goes towards funding adoption grants!

2. Contact Us about how we can help you start an Orphan Ministry at your church.

3. Sponsor the basic needs of a waiting orphan through one of the orphanages we believe in  and trust.

4. Donate to an orphan care ministry, serving the practical needs of orphans.
Gospel For Asia

5. Volunteer with Brighter Tomorrows

6. Offer practical help to an adoptive family, such as babysitting, grocery shopping, house maintenance, a trade or skill you have, etc. In the future, we have vision for an organized network to connect those offering practical help with adopting families in need.

7. Pray for the 143 million orphans around the world. Pray for the families in the process of or considering adoption. Pray for churches to catch the vision of starting an orphan ministry. Put pictures on your prayer wall to remind you and check back with us for issues and needs you can pray for.