Up until a few months ago I thought of adoption as something that we needed to do as an after we have our own kids, although I knew that bringing kids into the world made them mine I separated those I would bring into my home as not wholly mine.
My heart has changed.
I no longer see adoption as only a second choice I see now that it can be your first choice too.
All of the families I previously encountered who have adopted or were thinking of adoption did so after having kids biologically or because they couldn’t have kids biologically.
I thought that was the only way it was done; I thought that was "normal."
I have encountered a different group of people in the last six months.
Passionate people, people who view adoption not as an option examined "should it not work out" or "when we have our own kids we will go ahead with it" but men and women who view adoption as a first choice and the children they adopt as very much their own.
There is nothing wrong with having kids biologically; I don’t want to make that statement. I am however trying to push against the way we look at the reasons for adoption.
This blog is part one of three. In this first segment, I want to introduce my questions.
In the following parts, I asked two friends to answer these questions both of these men and their wives have chosen adoption as a first option to building their family.
These men have challenged me to look at my God given desire to help the orphan in a different way, my hope and prayer is that over the next week as you read their stories that the passion they feel and the call of God that they echo will resonate in your heart.
These are questions that I would welcome others to answer if you have made adoption your first option.
Family dynamics, number of children adopted, foster, and biological.
1) What made adoption your first option?
2) What are some supports that you have that help you to successfully navigate being adoptive parents?
3) Would you recommend couples to adopt as a first option and why?
James 1:27 says God views our religion as pure and without fault, when we look after the orphan and the widow in their distress.
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